
The importance of teach children at a young age about the law of chastity and about sex. This subject is very important because it is something sacred that should not be taken lightly. If you don’t teach sex properly someone will or could teach it improperly. The church has a page on their website that can be really helpful in how you can teach this to your children. It is called “A Parent’s guide.” For children’s spiritual health it is so important that you create the relationship where they can come to you with question and where you can talk to the so they don’t lose their way.

 Working together as family. When a family is able to work together as a family this creates a greater environment for a natural conversation. Because you are spending time with them you are able to talk more naturally and get to know them because there’s time to talk. This also shows them the importance of work and how there can be great satisfaction when you accomplish something. We should not use them to get work done but see it as an opportunity to teach them how to work as you work by their side and letting your light shine so they see you as someone they can trust and be positively influenced by.


Women in the home

Women being in the home. When the mother is in the home this allows more proper nurturing to occur. For example when a child comes home the mother is home can help them take a break or help them with their homework.  They also can be there to talk about their day creating a strong relationship of trust hopefully. When the proper role models are involved in their life this allows them to see and know what they should be like or to be positively influenced by this.



Decoding. When we communicate it is important that you take into consideration you words, tone, and nonverbal communication. When you communicate it is important that you get an idea encode this into a message let the other listen and then they decode message and let their ideas and feeling evaluate. This is a great way to make a code and to not be miss understand. Other things you can do is to create a code or gesture that helps you know your partner is uncomfortable or needs to leave. This can be very helpful.

Relationship attachment model. This showed the importance of building trust and knowing the person that you are dating. When you are like someone and you start to have physical touch this can cause problems especially when you do not know them. There is great value in building a relationship first on knowing them then trusting, relying, committing, and then touching. This is the proper way to start interest and a relationship. If it is not done this way it can cause attachment issues and also a more painful brake up. It was related to Velcro that wears out if you get attached to them through touch for example this cause more pain and harder brake up which causes trust issues in future relationships or could cause.

Same sex attraction exotic becomes erotic. The understanding of how someone has same sex attraction because they are not accepted by their peers of the same sex. This and other misunderstandings cause them to become more interested in the same sex because they are different to them because they don’t associate with them. Other misunderstandings could possibly be being stimulated and not understanding why and saying it was because of the same sex.



Having the sons work with the fathers to learn to be men. You can’t gather enough children together to raise and adult. There is great value when a father is able to associate with the son giving an example of how you are to be a man. Before the 1800 it was typical for the son to go out and work right with the father. This son could then learn how to be a father. Many time now a daughter doesn’t even get to learn how to be a mother because the mother and daughter do not associate together enough. Children need proper role models that will show them how to be adults who can provide for the needs of their own family.

communication and mutual problem solving

Divine not natural. This is when we are able to have consensus because we communicate and have consensus for the better of the relationship. When you compromise you are giving up something for the other one in the relationship. It is important that we look for what is best for the relationship as a whole. What is good as a greater whole. Another way of being divine is in time where you might be angry or having a hard time is to resist that and to come and comfort and help.

Counseling as a family. When a family comes together is involved in a discussion this helps them come to consensus. This helps the whole family come together involving the children allowing them to feel more important and included. This is more of an authoritative approach but can help as children get to so decision be made and understand more to why they are made.


sexual intimacy and the family

Relationship attachment model. This showed the importance of building trust and knowing the person that you are dating. When you are like someone and you start to have physical touch this can cause problems especially when you do not know them. There is great value in building a relationship first on knowing them then trusting, relying, committing, and then touching. This is the proper way to start interest and a relationship. If it is not done this way it can cause attachment issues and also a more painful brake up. It was related to Velcro that wears out if you get attached to them through touch for example this cause more pain and harder brake up which causes trust issues in future relationships or could cause.

Same sex attraction exotic becomes erotic. The understanding of how someone has same sex attraction because they are not accepted by their peers of the same sex. This and other misunderstandings cause them to become more interested in the same sex because they are different to them because they don’t associate with them. Other misunderstandings could possibly be being stimulated and not understanding why and saying it was because of the same sex.


transitions in marriage

Many researches believe that cohabitation will cause less divorces but it actually cause the opposite. In preparing for marriage cohabitation is not advised because of what it does. Cohabitation is a lack of commitment in the relationship because they potentially won’t get married so when they do get married nothing changes for how they live. The lack of commitment causes them to not be as committed when they do get married typically. Another factor that plays a role is that usually when people who practice sex before marriage will most likely have affairs during their marriage. Men and women come in into cohabitation for different reasons women usually do it so they can get married while men do it to cohabit.  Finances are also affected as they do not pull them together and help each other out in cohabitation.

Over all proper transitions in marriage is to date in abstinence ad to then get married. When you get married is when you begin to live with each other. Commitment then is there for helping each other right from the beginning trying to make the relationship last.


preparing for marriage

Survival of the fittest occurs in mate selection. For physical attraction someone is usually attracted to someone that is attractive or we are usually attracted to those that are more attractive because we will produce attractive babies that will be more socially accepted. This causes us to want to meet or date someone purely on looks. You see someone and you want to date them. Companionship on the other end of things comes with intimacy or the emotional connection that one has with their partner. Physical affection does play a role and that’s why attraction is important but intimacy is greater. In order to get married you should date this is what is advised as the best way to prepare for marriage. Dating is about sharing time, practicing companionship, experiencing intimacy, companionship and finding someone you are comfortable and confident around.


Gender and family life

Up until the last two centuries most boys spent their days working with their fathers learning how to work and provide of the family. While daughters on the other side spent their days with their mothers learning how to be mothers. Today many of these roles are mixed which is just fine. The struggle is that boys can grow up and not learn how to be men that provide for their family.

Male and females have different strengths and abilities. Girls typically tend to be more sensitive they express their emotions, nurture, have cooperative play, do things for relationships, has more white matter connective tissue and is aware of many different things. Boys tend to be more aggressive, mechanically minded, spatially oriented, physical strength, comparative play, and have more grey matter which is over memory. This typically helps play the different needed roles in the parents. Fathers are to provide protect and preside over the family while mothers are mainly over the nurturing in the family.

    Me at Ririe Reservoir in Ririe Idaho Spring 2011

    The sailing team

    This blog is dedicated to my Family Relations class. Throughout the semester I will share what I am learning and discussing in class. I will also share anything that I feel is good.

    "Put wind in our sails"

    Families are like a good sailing team. Family dynamics are dependent upon trust, consistency, and love. These same characteristics can be seen on a sailing team.

    ANy Family can be like a good sailing team


    photo taken from

    The crew

    Mosley Family 2009
    “Like the vital rudder of a ship, we have been provided a way to determine the direction we travel. The lighthouse of the Lord beckons to all as we sail the seas of life. Our home port is the celestial kingdom of God. Our purpose is to steer an undeviating course in that direction. A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder—never likely to reach home port. To us comes the signal: Chart your course, set your sail, position your rudder, and proceed.”-President Thomas S. Monson, April 1982, Roughly Sailing the Seas of Life

    Handcrafted Cabinet & Furniture Company